Top 20 – Steve Earle

Steve Earle har gjort massor av bra låtar. Jag har sett Steve Earle live 6 gånger.

Bästa låtar

  1. Hard-Core Troubadour
  2. Promise You Anything
  3. The Other Kind
  4. You’re Still Standing There
  5. Johnny Come Lately
  6. Copperhead Road
  7. Fearless Heart
  8. Another Town
  9. Here I Am
  10. Regular Guy
  11. The Devil’s Right Hand
  12. Now She’s Gone
  13. I Feel Alright
  14. Goodbye
  15. More Than I Could Do
  16. Guitar Town
  17. The Unrepentant
  18. Justice in Ontario
  19. I Ain’t Ever Satisfied
  20. The Week of Living Dangerously

Bästa album

  1. I Feel Alright
  2. The Hard Way
  3. Copperhead Road
  4. El Corazon
  5. Exit O



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