Top 20 – Blackberry Smoke

Blackberry Smoke är ett kanonbra band som jag sett live 4 gånger.

Bästa låtar

  1. Waiting for the Thunder
  2. Nobody Gives a Damn
  3. One Horse Town
  4. Best Seat in the House
  5. Shakin’ Hands with the Holy Ghost
  6. Sanctified Woman
  7. Good One Comin’ on
  8. Like It Was Yesterday
  9. Hammer and the Nail
  10. Ain’t Much Left of Me
  11. Testify
  12. Let it Burn
  13. Six Ways to Sunday
  14. Another Chance
  15. Workin’ for the Workin’ Man
  16. Run Away from It All
  17. All Over the Road
  18. Nothin’ for You
  19. Dig a Hole
  20. Leave a Scar

Bästa album

  1. The Whippoorwill
  2. Find a Light
  3. Like an Arrow
  4. Bad Luck Ain’t No Crime
  5. Be Right Here



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