Top 20 – Serena Ryder

Serena Ryder är en mycket bra sångerska som gjort en hel del bra låtar. Jag har tyvärr aldrig sett henne live.

Bästa låtar

  1. Weak in the Knees
  2. Racing in the Street
  3. Sweeping the Ashes
  4. Little Bit of Red
  5. All for Love
  6. Stumbling Over You
  7. Broken Heart Sun
  8. Hey There
  9. You Were on My Mind
  10. Why Can’t I Love You
  11. Brand New Love
  12. Circle of the Sun
  13. Blown Like the Wind At Night
  14. Is It O.K.
  15. Good Morning Starshine
  16. Fall
  17. What I Wanna Know
  18. Just Another Day
  19. Again By You
  20. Heavy Love

Bästa album

  1. Is It O.K.
  2. If Your Memory Serves You Well
  3. Harmony
  4. Unlikely Emergency
  5. Utopia


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