Top 20 – Billy Bragg

Billy Bragg har gjort en del bra låtar. Jag har sett Billy Bragg live 2 gånger.

Bästa låtar

  1. A New England
  2. Help Save the Youth of America
  3. To Have and to Have Not
  4. It Says Here
  5. There Is Power in a Union
  6. Accident Waiting to Happen
  7. Think Again
  8. Waiting for the Great Leap Forward
  9. Days Like These
  10. Greetings to the New Brunette (a.k.a. Shirley)
  11. The Marriage
  12. Like Soldiers Do
  13. The Price I Pay
  14. The Warmest Room
  15. The Tracks of My Tears
  16. Must I Paint You a Picture
  17. She’s Got a New Spell
  18. Sexuality
  19. This Land Is Your Land
  20. Life With Lions

Bästa album

  1. Talking With the Taxman About Poetry
  2. Life’s a Riot With Spy vs. Spy
  3. The Internationale
  4. Workers Playtime
  5. Brewing Up With Billy Bragg



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