Top 20 – Flogging Molly

Flogging Molly har gjort en hel del bra låtar. Jag har sett Flogging Molly live 1 gång.

Bästa låtar

  1. The Hand of John L. Sullivan
  2. Drunken Lullabies
  3. Devil’s Dance Floor
  4. Seven Deadly Sins
  5. What’s Left of the Flag
  6. There’s Nothing Left Pt. 1
  7. Requiem for a Dying Song
  8. The Bride Wore Black
  9. Welcome to Adamstown
  10. The Likes of You Again
  11. If I Ever Leave This World Alive
  12. This Road of Mine
  13. Lead the Way
  14. Salty Dog
  15. Revolution
  16. The Kilburn High Road
  17. Rebels of the Sacred Heart
  18. A Song of Liberty
  19. Every Dogs Has Its Day
  20. The Days We’ve Yet to Meet

Bästa album

  1. Life Is Good
  2. Drunken Lullabies
  3. Swagger
  4. Within a Mile of Home
  5. Anthem



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