Top 20 – The Quireboys

The Quireboys har gjort en hel del bra låtar. Jag har sett The Quireboys live 6 gånger.

Bästa låtar

  1. Hey You
  2. I Don’t Love You Anymore
  3. Mona Lisa Smiled
  4. There She Goes Again
  5. Sweet Mary Ann
  6. Roses & Rings
  7. I Love This Dirty Town
  8. Josephine
  9. This Is Rock’n’Roll
  10. Pretty Girls
  11. Sex Party
  12. 7 O’Clock
  13. Show Me What You Got
  14. Tramps and Thieves
  15. Take Me Home
  16. Torn and Frayed
  17. Don’t Bite the Hand That Feeds You
  18. Can’t Park Here
  19. Boom Boom
  20. Ain’t Love Blind

Bästa album

  1. A Bit of What You Fancy
  2. Homewreckers and Heartbreakers
  3. This Is Rock’n’Roll
  4. Bitter Sweet and Twisted
  5. Beautiful Curse



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