Top 20 – Drivin n Cryin

Drivin n Cryin är ett bra band som gjort en hel del bra låtar. Jag har tyvärr aldrig sett dem live.

Bästa låtar

  1. House for Sale
  2. Let’s Go Dancing
  3. Leaving on a Jet Plane
  4. Telling Stories
  5. Scarred But Smarter
  6. Can’t Promise You the World
  7. Catch the Wind
  8. Fly Me Courageous
  9. Count the Flowers
  10. Indian Song
  11. Nothing to Lose
  12. Paid in Full
  13. Build a Fire
  14. Straight to Hell
  15. Keepin’ It Close to My Heart
  16. Get Around Kid
  17. Powerhouse
  18. You Don’t Know Me
  19. Honesuckle Blue
  20. Around the Block Again

Bästa album

  1. Fly Me Courageous
  2. Drivin n Cryin
  3. Mystery Road
  4. Whisper Tames the Lion
  5. Scarred But Smarter


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