Top 20 – The Hooters

The Hooters är ett bra rockband jag lyssnat på sedan 80-talet. Jag har sett The Hooters live 3 gånger (och dessutom Eric Bazilian live 2 gånger på Light of Day).

Bästa låtar

  1. And We Danced
  2. Day By Day
  3. Satellite
  4. Karla With a K
  5. South Ferry Road
  6. Blood from a Stone
  7. Engine 999
  8. Twenty-Five Hours a Day
  9. Boys Will Be Boys
  10. Dancing on the Edge
  11. Hard Rockin’ Summer
  12. All You Zombies
  13. You Never Know Who Your Friends Are
  14. Fightin’ on the Same Side
  15. Nervous Night
  16. Where Do the Children Go
  17. Don’t Take My Car Out Tonight
  18. 500 Miles
  19. Brother, Don’t You Walk Away
  20. Deliver Me

Bästa album

  1. Nervous Night
  2. One Way Home
  3. Zig Zag
  4. Out of Body
  5. Time Stand Still



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