Top 20 – Tommy Conwell & The Young Rumblers

Tommy Conwell & The Young Rumblers är ett bra rockband från Philadelphia. Jag såg en grymt bra konsert med bandet 1989.

Bästa låtar

  1. Tell Me What You Want Me to Be
  2. Workout
  3. Half a Heart
  4. If We Never Meet Again
  5. I’m Not Your Man
  6. Small-Time Has-Been
  7. Love’s on Fire
  8. Walkin’ on the Water
  9. Going Back to Philly
  10. Here I Come
  11. I’m Seventeen
  12. I Can’t Rock in This Job
  13. Up Around the Way
  14. Everything They Say Is True
  15. Guitar Trouble
  16. The Rest of the Night
  17. Let Me Love You Too
  18. Tonight’s the Night
  19. I’m Home
  20. Hard As a Rock

Bästa album

  1. Rumble
  2. Walkin’ on the Water
  3. Showboats & Grandstanders
  4. Guitar Trouble
  5. Thanks But No Thanks



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