Top 20 – Green Day

Green Day är ett kanonbra band som jag sett live 3 gånger.

Bästa låtar

  1. Minority
  2. Know Your Enemy
  3. When I Come Around
  4. Basket Case
  5. American Idiot
  6. Good Riddance (Time of Your Life)
  7. She’s a Rebel
  8. Holiday
  9. 21st Century Breakdown
  10. St. Jimmy
  11. Homecoming
  12. Welcome to Paradise
  13. The American Dream Is Killing Me
  14. Jesus of Suburbia
  15. Burnout
  16. Longview
  17. She
  18. Look Ma, No Brains!
  19. Extraordinary Girl
  20. In the End

Bästa album

  1. American Idiot
  2. Dookie
  3. 21st Century Breakdown
  4. Saviors
  5. Revolution Radio



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