Top 20 – The Georgia Satellites

The Georgia Satellites var ett av världens bästa rockband så länge Dan Baird var med i bandet. Jag har sett The Georgia Satellites live 2 gånger (och Dan Baird live ytterligare 18 gånger).

Bästa låtar

  1. Keep Your Hands to Yourself
  2. Sheila
  3. Six Years Gone
  4. Battleship Chains
  5. Railroad Steel
  6. Games People Play
  7. I Dunno
  8. Dan Takes Five
  9. The Race Is on
  10. Don’t Pass Me By
  11. All Over But the Cryin’
  12. The Myth of Love
  13. Can’t Stand the Pain
  14. Saddle Up
  15. Mon Cheri
  16. Another Chance
  17. Hard Luck Boy
  18. Let It Rock
  19. Every Picture Tells a Story
  20. Over and Over

Bästa album

  1. The Georgia Satellites
  2. In the Land of Salvation and Sin
  3. Open All Night
  4. Keep the Faith



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