Top 20 – The Clash

The Clash var ett kanonbra punkband som gjorde många bra låtar. Tyvärr hann jag aldrig se dem live.

Bästa låtar

  1. I Fought the Law
  2. Career Opportunities
  3. White Riot
  4. London Calling
  5. London’s Burning
  6. Spanish Bombs
  7. English Civil War
  8. Janie Jones
  9. Should I Stay or Should I Go
  10. Death or Glory
  11. Safe European Home
  12. Bankrobber
  13. Complete Control
  14. Clash City Rockers
  15. Tommy Gun
  16. Capital Radio
  17. Lost in the Supermarket
  18. The Card Cheat
  19. I’m So Bored With the U.S.A.
  20. We are the Clash

Bästa album

  1. The Clash
  2. London Calling
  3. Give ’Em Enough Rope
  4. Combat Rock
  5. Cut the Crap


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