Top 20 – Bon Jovi

Bon Jovi är ett jättebra band som gjort många bra låtar. Jag har sett Bon Jovi live 1 gång.

Bästa låtar

  1. Born to Be My Baby
  2. I’ll Sleep When I’m Dead
  3. The Radio Saved My Life Tonight
  4. Bad Medicine
  5. Wanted Dead or Alive
  6. Lay Your Hands on Me
  7. Raise Your Hands
  8. Wild in the Streets
  9. I’d Die for You
  10. I’ll Be There for You
  11. Blaze of Glory
  12. I Get a Rush
  13. Wild Is the Wind
  14. Keep the Faith
  15. Bed of Roses
  16. Because We Can
  17. Have a Nice Day
  18. You Give Love a Bad Name
  19. Blood on Blood
  20. Blame It on the Love of Rock’n’Roll

Bästa album

  1. New Jersey
  2. Slippery When Wet
  3. Keep the Faith
  4. Have a Nice Day
  5. What About Now



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